Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hanley's 1st Easter

We went down to Eugene for Easter.  Not only was it Hanley's 1st Easter but it was Isaac's 1st too!!! This year the Olson Family gathering was much different from last years. Last year, Cody and I had announced our pregnancy on Easter to the family, then several weeks later Grant and Rebecca announcned theirs. So, the Olson family gathering went from lots of food and wine one year, to babies and bottles the next year. It's so nice to have the boys so close in age.  We look forward to many family gatherings as they grow and play together.

Isaac (2 months) and Hanley (4 1/2 months)
Great Grandma Tina with both boys!

The Easter bunny arrived and spoiled Hanley.  Out of the books and toys, I think he like the cellophane and basket stuffing the best...go figure!


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