Friday, December 20, 2013

Big Boy News

Well, the boy recently decided high chairs are for babies.  So, he sits at the table like a big guy now...

That's right! I'm a big boy!

Asking for "more" is serious business...

I suppose we should consider purchasing a booster seat..?

Occasionally he will try to stand on his chair at the table but more often than not, he just sits and eats his meal. One morning, he was full of energy and we had a hard time getting him to focus on eating breakfast. Cody was getting frustrated with him trying to stand on his chair.  From the other room I hear, "Hanley, only losers and future felons stand at the table! Now. Sit. Down." Hmm...I wonder what parenting book Cody got that from?

In other big boy news, Hanley starting signing "milk" this week.  Now he signs "more", "all done", "eat" and "milk".

1 comment:

  1. That must have been from Cody and Brandon's guide to parenting book :) I can't wait to see that "little" man in January!
