Saturday, June 7, 2014

18 Month Well Baby Check Up

I realized when I posted Hanley's 18 month update, it was the day before his Dr.'s appointment so I didn't post his stats.

Weight: 30% (22lbs, 10oz)
Height: 20%
Head Circumference: 50%

His Dr. thinks his height measurement is off because he didn't seem to want to fully stretch out when they recorded his length. Either way, he's still small.  Small but mighty.

In preparation for his appointment, I dressed him in his "Texas Tough" shirt. He had 2 vaccinations at this appointment.  He sat on my lap and while we read a book, the nurse gave him the shots, one in each leg.  Not a single tear.  He lived up to Texas Tough status. Way to go boy!

1 comment:

  1. Andrew's my small and mighty boy too! Way to go on the shots Hanley :) Hope to see you three soon.
