Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hanley's 2nd Birthday!

So, I am waaaay behind on the blogging but Hanley had a great 2nd birthday.  His birthday celebration was 2 weeks long! It first started with his early birthday party.  Since Cody was going to be out of town on his real birthday, we celebrated early. Despite doing a construction themed birthday for his 1st birthday, we did a Dump Truck themed birthday for his 2nd birthday. He loves dumps so we figured, why not?! I made the cake.  I was pretty stressed out about it but kept trying to remind myself that it doesn't take much to impress a 2 year old!

While I got everything ready for the party, Hanley got to go on a special tractor ride with Daddy. Our friends Cam and Sarah have some property not far from our house and let Hanley come ride their tractor!

Uncle Wayne and Aunt Brooke were out of town the weekend of Hanley's birthday party so they took Hanley and I to Tillamook the Saturday before his real birthday. It was a busy day: Breakfast at their house, Tillamook Air Museum, Tillamook Cheese Factory, Grandma and Grandpa Robideau's house, then out to dinner. We both had a blast!

Kim and I both took Hanley's real birthday off of work. So, he got a special day with Mommy and Oma at the Portland Aquarium. When I put him to bed that night, I asked him if he had a good birthday.  He said, "I fun with Oma.  I see big fish.  I fun day Mommy."

His last birthday celebration was at daycare.  So, when he returned to daycare the next day, everyone celebrated with special birthday cupcakes for our birthday boy!

It's hard to believe that our little guy is already 2! Happy Birthday Mr. Hanley. We love you.

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