Friday, June 7, 2013

When a Mama's Not Ready...

I have mentioned it before, but 6 months has been my favorite stage.  I am not ready for my little man's 7th month birthday in just a matter of days.  I wish I could freeze time and keep him small, cuddly and non-mobile!

Hanley has become such a "talker"! Some days its almost exhausting but at the same time its one of the most precious sounds ever.

I love that he can sit up on his own and roll over but I love knowing that when I put him down, he's not going too far! He REALLY wants to crawl and seems to be getting closer every day. He might be ready for it, but I am not! Crawling opens us a whole new world of challenges!

Hanley as been all about Mama in the past month. He is starting to be more aware when I leave the room or am not around.  I recently read that at about 6 months, they can go through a little bit of separation anxiety which is what I think has been the case for him.  Sometimes this can be hard on Daddy but I keep telling Cody, his day will come! Before we know it, Hanley's attitude will change to Dad rules and Mom drools.

A big event of the week was that Hanley got his first tooth!!!!! I can see just the tip of his second tooth coming in too! At this rate, he will be eating steak next week!

We had to pack away the bouncer, the swing and his activity mat. He is just too big for it all! The only thing out in our livingroom now is the jumper (which he loves!).

He no longer uses the infant carseat in the storller. He sits in the stroller like a big kid now.

He is just getting too big, too fast. I love watching him learn and grow but boy, I wish it didn't happen all so fast! I guess I will just have to enjoy the last 3 days of my 6 month old and look to all the new things to come because ready or not here it comes!


  1. Before you know it Hanley will have an attitude and entering Kindergarten like our baby ;) When they are born it's hard to imagine them getting any bigger but they do right before your eyes. Don't worry about the mobile stage too much, it's really not that scary. It's so much fun watching them learn how to crawl and walk. I look back at our videos of the kids learning to walk and it brings tears to my eyes. Your house is fairly baby proofed so you won't have too much work ahead of you. Plus the thoughtful Draper's bought the baby gate so you've got that covered he he! Good luck with the seventh month. We would love to see that little man soon :) xoxo

  2. Its such an emotionaal struggle for me because of course I want to watch him grow, learn and thrive but at the same time I just want to keep my baby boy a baby forever :o) When I told Cody that he said, "Thats why you have another one!" And I said, "Hold on now Cowboy, not so fast!" LOL. When we have a second one and are done, I am really going to struggle with #2 growing up :o) So bitter sweet.

  3. Cody's right, you have another one! ha ha :)
