Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Much Needed Update!

Life has been busy at our place. Here's a quick update:

-Memorial Day Camp out was a success! Hanley loved every minute of enjoying the great outdoors. The weather was much nicer than expected! The sun was out most of the weekend and it pretty much only rained at night. The roles reversed that weekend.  Cody was up every 3 or 4 hours re-stocking the fire and Hanley and I peacefully slept through the night! Cody got in lots of the fishing and I ate way too much :o)

Home Sweet Home (Yes, we even battle in the woods!).

The crew

Roxy is not one to let Hanley steal all the attention from Daddy!

Beautiful Big Sis!

This kid LOVES Aunt Gail! She could make him smile and laugh for hours!

-I came down with mastitis for the THIRD TIME!! Coming home from camping with a 100.2 temp wasn't much fun. I was able to beat it without the use of antibiotics though. We took a little break from solids so Hanley could get in lots of nursing to help me out! Thanks little man :o)

-We had his 6 month photos done by Andrea Hartman Photography (http://www.andreahartman.com/) in Salem a couple weeks ago. We had a tough time getting smiles out of such a serious 6 month old, he was all business. I am glad he at least flashed a few smiles for Andrea to capture!  Thank you Andrea for such wonderful photos for us to remember this stage of Hanley's amazing life.  Six months has been THE BEST (I will probably say that about every stage!). He is so much fun. A perfect combination of cuddly and independent.  I love watching him explore the world right in front of his eyes. Here is a sneak peek from our session.


-Since Hanley has been sitting unassisted, he has become independent and REALLY into his toys!

-We took him to the zoo for the first time! He loved the turtles.

It's a real-life Sophie Giraffe!

-Last weekend we planted flowers in the front yard and finally got our garden in. This year we planted corn, tomatoes, spaghetti squash, zucchini, and peppers.

 We are looking forward to the coming summer and family adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chelsea!

    Thanks for the link-love! Here are some more pics of your sweet little man in my blog post. :)

