Saturday, May 18, 2013

Boy Vs. Taters

Rice cereal was pretty much a fail.  It seemed to upset Hanley's tummy. It appeared to be hard for him to digest. So, we held off on anything else until recently.  I slaved over the stove cooking up the boy some sweet potatoes and what did I get in return? The most dramatic look of disgust.  I called for Cody and ran to get the video camera. His face was just priceless. As luck would have it, the battery was dead. Gosh, that must just be an Olson thing!

We kept trying each night with hopes that he would adjust to the new taste and texture because I was getting tired of being tied down to the couch feeding such a hungry boy ALL THE TIME!

My friend Katie suggested I just place it on his tray and let him experiment with it on his own terms.  So thats exactly what we did..

A clean boy, but not for long!

"Uh, I don't know about this Mom."

"It might not taste good but at least it's fun to play with!"

He is slowly coming around.  Last night Cody was able to get him to eat a full serving for the first time with minimal facial expressions...

Next week: Peas!

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