Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Say Cheese!

Happy early Mother's Day to ME!!!!!!! I decided I didn't want to capture Hanley growing up with a bunch of iPhone photos so Cody bought me a new camera for Mother's Day.  We all know the Olson boys don't love having a camera in their face, but they better get used to it because I plan on putting this bad boy to use!

Last weekend Cody was in Seattle for Kramer's Bachelor party so Hanley and I headed down to Eugene. We first went to the park so I could play around with my camera...

But first I had to learn to use it! Thanks Amie for helping...

Hanley got passed around and many photos were taken...

I love seeing my Dad with Hanley!
Hanley and Oma

Hanley and Aunt Amie
Dr. Stuebing was in town from Alaska.  He hadn't seen Hanley since he was just a few days old!
One very loved little guy!

After the park, Kim and I grabbed yes, you guessed it...Cafe Yumm for lunch! Wayne invited me over for a BBQ so Hanley spent a couple hours with Oma and meeting Miss. Chloe (she's just 4 weeks older than him). In the morning, my parents had us over for my Mom's homemade cinnamon rolls and a cup of my Dad's coffee (another one of my favs!). Oh and yes, more photos were taken...

All the Uncles and Aunt Brooke

Oh, how this kid loves his Big Sis!

It may have been one of my favorite weekends away with Hanley to date.  We drove down there with no set plans (I usually OVERBOOK us!) and was able to just go with the flow which was extremely relaxing. Thankfully, I have a child that is flexible too!

Cody had a great weekend with the guys as well.  Although, I think his age really hit him! He realized he is no longer the young buck that used to be out all night! Needless to say, he came home exhausted...

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