Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hanley's 1st Camping Trip at the One and Only, Crescent Lake

I can't believe it, I pulled a Kim Olson.  I brought my new camera camping with us to capture Hanley's first camping trip.  Pulled it out to realize, I left the memory card at home. I was so disappointed in myself.  Cody chuckled a little and said "Oh, the story of my childhood. If my Mom remembered the camera, the battery would be dead."

When I told Kim what I had done, she said, "Oh bummer.  Well at least I brought my camera!" Then she pulled it out and the battery was dead...seriously.

So, we got a few iPhone photos from the weekend...

One thing I can say is that Crescent Lake holds such a special place in our heart.  It was so fun to take Hanley there for his 1st camping trip.  To top it off, we had EXCELLENT weather!

I think Hanley liked spending the weekend outside as much as Roxy did! Once the sun started to go down, it got a little chilly so here Hanley is all bundled up.

We went on a hike to the group site on the other side of the lake.  The men wanted to check out our annual site for Memorial Day weekend.

"Lets get this show on the road, Mom!"

Rox, Hanley and Cody set to go

Mama and Hanley checking out the group site. The guys spotted a site for the wall tent.

On our way back, we stopped at the lodge. Cody and I stayed for lunch and Kim and Loren took the baby and the dogs back to camp.
One tuckered out boy after the hike! Apparently it's tough work to have someone pack you around!
Despite me catching the flu (nothin' like breaking in your new tent with getting sick all over it, right?), we had an awesome time.  Looking forward to many more family camping trips.

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