Thursday, January 23, 2014


By far, the coolest thing Cody and I have ever done is create the cutest little man on the face of this earth.  How is it possible that he is already 14 months old?!
At 14 months old...
-Still wearing size 3 shoes.
-Got in his very first MOLAR tooth! (Of course it was making its way up the week that he was home with Oma). That makes a total of 9 teeth (if you include his upper right one that is just partially in).
-Started having serious attachment issues to Mama upon our return home from vacation.
-He cried for the very first time dropping him off at daycare last week.  Talk about ripping your heart out as you have to just turn and walk away. Thankfully, he only did this for 2 days. Now, he seems to be okay with drop off's again.
-Gained another buddy! Colton Wayne was born on January 16th weighing an adorable 6 lbs, 12 oz!! His tough Mama, rocked an unmedicated birth!
-We have recently noticed he can be shy about playing with other kids. Cody says he's just a "one man wolf pack"! Hopefully, he will become more socially engaged with age.
-He shares his love for watermelon like his Mama! He thinks watermelon is good now...come August when they are actually in season, he's in for a real treat!
-We have finally dropped the morning and after nap bottle (he did this completely on his own). He dropped the morning bottle about a month ago, and we just got rid of the after nap bottle last week.  That means we are only down to the one bottle before bed. I haven't really pushed to bottle issue because Hanley is pretty good about just deciding when he's done with these kind of things.
-He gives the best kisses.  He puckers up and everything. It's adorable.  The one catch.... he ONLY gives them to DADDY!
-He seems to pick a few favorite foods of the month.  He no longer likes yogurt (uh, that was totally last month...).  His flavor of the month seems to be Quorn nuggets, peanut butter toast, and fish sticks.  Oh and nutrigrain bars, he usually has one after nap each day.
-We finally did Hanley's 1-year photos with Marissa Lynn Photography! Thank you Marissa for another job well done! What are we going to do when she moves across the country this summer?! Check out his photos at

Blogger is not letting me post any photos tonight, so make sure to check out Marissa's website!

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