Monday, February 10, 2014

Date Night!

I called my Mom a three weeks ago and begged her to come up to give Cody and I a night out.  Okay, lets be real, there was no begging involved! My Mom jumped at the chance to have a night with the boy Hanley lucked out and got a night with not only Meme but Grandpa too! This can only mean one thing...he was double spoiled :o)

Cuddles with Grandpa!
We started our night with dinner and drinks before the Blazer's game.

The Blazers were playing Minnesota and Cody happened to get great seats from work! The last time I watched Kevin Love play was at Mac Court and we all know the local boy didn't get any love there (after choosing to play for an out of state team-UCLA). It was fun to watch him play again and see him receive lots of support from the crowd. We both had a great time cheering on the Blazers and were happy to leave with a win that night!

After the game, we went out for ice cream before heading home. It was a fun way to spend our night out together.

I was a little worried about leaving Hanley just because he had been so clingy since our return home from vacation.  It would be the first night since then that someone else put him to bed. Of course he did great! My Mom said the night was filled with lots of laughter and he went to bed right on time with no problems.

Meme was extra lucky that night. Not only did she get to spend the evening with such a happy boy but she got to be the last one to give him his VERY LAST bottle.  After that night, he was done.  Done for good.

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