Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Spring Break Tradition

My first day back to work post maternity leave was Spring Break last year.  My Mom was here to watch Hanley that week and help us adjust back into our new routine.  Well, that started the tradition-The Hanley and Meme Spring Break Tradition.

My Mom was here the whole week....we ALL got spoiled. 

My Mom helped around the house, prepped dinners for us and would do dishes after dinner to give us time to play with Hanley. 

Hanley and Meme played outside as much as possible.  Most the days were raining but Hanley didn't care.  He still tried to convince Meme to take him outside...and he usually got his way.

We attempted potty training.  Hanley started out doing great the first half of the first day.  I was sooo impressed with him! About mid-day though, he decided he wanted nothing to do with the potty. So, most of the week was trying to get him back on track with being okay with sitting on the potty.  Needless to say, its still a work in progress.

We took advantage of having a free babysitter which means Cody and I got a date night! We had a gift certificate to Cinetopia from our friends Cam and Sarah from Christmas that we made sure to put to good use! Cody must love me a lot because he let me pick the movie...again! He took me to see the Veronica Mars movie (which totally brought back so many fun memories from college!).

The week was extra busy because we are getting ready to put our house on the market, search for a new home and Cody had a last minute business trip to Boise.  I don't know if my Mom fully understands how much help she was with all we had going on. It was a great week for all.

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