Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sold in 7!

My post have been few and far between.  We have been so busy that there is just no way blogging has been able to fit in my schedule.

We decided its time to upgrade. Time for a new casa, something with more space. After Hanley came along, it seems as though we quickly outgrew this house. So, we decided to put our house on the market earlier this month.  Thank goodness, our beautiful home sold in 7 days! Keeping this place spic and span with a one year old is darn near impossible.  As I would clean up one mess, he would be in the other room making another mess! It didn't help that Cody was out of town too so all the mess management was on me.

The thought of leaving this place in 7 weeks is just heart wrenching.  We gave this house so much character and personal touch that part of me can't imagine not living here.  I guess its pretty natural to fall in love and have an emotional attachment to your first home though.

After making it past the inspection period, it's become more real to me that we will be leaving here for good which means we will be leaving behind so many great memories.  I often find myself pulling out my camera, feeling the need to capture the last memories we will ever make in our first home.  

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