Monday, September 8, 2014


We have spent the last couple weeks trying to get settled into the new house but its hard to unpack when your never home!!! Busy weekends away means we have been playing hard this month.  However, it also means some of the house is still in boxes.

At 22 Months...

-Hanley has a serious obsession with "dumps". Anytime he hears the back up beeping sound, he runs to the window yelling "Mommy dump!  I see dump!".  This makes one happy kid on garbage day.
Dump Day!
-He say's "love you". My heart melts every. dang. time.

-I love that he loves to read.  I can't even tell you how many books we read every day. Actually, I can...about 5. We just read those same 5 books more times than I can count.

-We spent Labor Day weekend at the Oregon Coast with my side of the family.  Believe it or not, it was Hanley's first beach experience.  He called the ocean "bubble waves" and of course loved the sand.  We totally wore him out at the aquarium.  He had so much fun and kept saying "More fish! More fish!". He played hard all weekend.

-The weekend at the coast, Wayne and Brooke announced they are having a GIRL!!!!! If you can't tell, I am pretty excited to have a little niece to spoil!!!

-Cody and I recently celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. The most time we spent together that weekend was doing the weekly grocery shopping at Winco.  It wasn't exactly how I planned on spending our first milestone anniversary. However, we had a blast celebrating April and Tyler's Wedding that weekend instead. We hope to plan a date night to make up for it in the near future.

-Hanley is doing great at daycare.  They often comment on what a good little teachers helper he is!

-He knows most of his colors: yellow, blue, green, pink, purple, and white. For whatever reason, he has a hard time with the color red.

-He loves Elmo, Mickey Mouse and "Dumps".

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