Wednesday, April 22, 2015


At 29 Months Old...

-Just days before Henrik's arrival, Kim and Loren came up and took Hanley to see The Bubble Man. Kim said he really enjoyed the show (and the popcorn) but he came home talking about the white truck that blocked Opa! They had went to grab sandwiches at a German deli after the show to bring home for lunch. When we all sat down for lunch, he told  me all about the white truck that blocked Opa in the parking lot at the deli. He talked about that white truck for weeks to come. I think he might have a little road rage when he grows up.

-Since bringing Henrik home, Hanley has transformed from a Mama's Boy to a Daddy's Boy. He loves to be Daddy's helper.  One day, the two of them replaced the headlight on my car.  For the next week, every time we got in the car Hanley told me "Mommy, I fix your car!". He was so proud of himself...and clearly took all the credit!

-Becoming a Big Brother meant we had to work a lot with Hanley on using "gentle hands" with baby brother and "giving Mama space" when I am nursing. I am happy to say that he hasn't smothered Henrik...yet.

Henrik doesn't really know what to think about Hanley!

-Hanley loves to rough house with Daddy.  Cody taught him moves like "Peoples Elbow", "Atomic Seat Drop" and the newest move is the "Pile Driver". I told his teachers that if uses any of those moves at school, they can talk to Daddy about it! So far, only once has he thrown down a People's Elbow. He didn't actually use the move on a child...he just showed off his move so the kids in class know not to mess with him...

-I once called Henrik "Big Guy". Hanley corrected me and said "No, He's Little Guy.  I'm Big Guy." So, now we are all clear on that...

-We took the child safety rail off his bed. Now he truly is rockin' a big boy bed.

-He's potty trained. Night trained too. It's nice to only have one in diapers at a time. He used to only poop at home.  He only goes #2 once a day and would save it up until he got home from school.  For whatever reason, he got over that and now will go at school too. One day him and Cody were out front doing yard work together.  He loudly exclaimed "Daddy I went poop in the potty at school today and it was a BIG ONE!!!". I think he made the neighbor (who was also outside) smile. Well done son.

-Meme was here for a week helping us with the kiddos during Spring Break.  We finally got a few nice days towards the end of the week. So, my Mom and I picked Hanley up from school early on Thursday and took him to feed the ducks and play at the park.  On Friday, My Mom treated him to a trip to the Portland Aquarium. Meme and him share a love for fish, so I think they both had a good time.

-We spent the weekend in Eugene for Easter. Hanley got to do two Easter Egg hunts!

-While we were in Eugene, we made a trip to the Fire Station with Jessica and her kids. Nathan was on the medic that day and on a call so we didn't get to see him but Hanley got to go for a ride in the fire truck. He absolutely loved it!

-Cody was in Texas on a business trip the first week in April.  So, Kim came up to help me with the kids while he was gone.  Hanley was sick with a cold and fever most of the week. By the end of the week, his fever broke and he was feeling a little better. He managed to muster up enough energy for a little trip to the Tulip Festival in Woodburn. We had a great time, but I wish he would have felt 100% so he could have fully enjoyed it.

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