Friday, March 29, 2013

Back at it- Part 1

I feel like it was just the other day when I was sitting at the dinner table crying. It was Oct. 29th (the day before my due date), I had just completed my last day of work before my 4 month maternity leave began. To say that I was emotional would  be an understatement. 

I was upset. I was 40 weeks pregnant and my little man was still sitting comfy inside me. I knew every day that he was late was one less day that I would get to spend with him on my maternity leave.

I was scared. Scared of the unknown and taking on the challenge of being a working mother. I knew things would never be the same once the baby arrived and I was back at it in the work world.

I was anxious. Anxious about the possibility of being induced. I was beyond excited to meet him but wanted him to come on his own terms! I wanted a natural birth for the benefit of him and I both.

I was excited and just plain ready.

I was a ball of emotions. Cody sat there and let me share all my worries then assured me everything would be just fine. I remember that night like it was yesterday. Since that night, I was induced, spent 2 1/2 days getting pumped with pitocin before Mr. Hanley made his grand entrance, brought him home from the hospital, made it though the Holiday Season, watched him change literally by the day as the Seasons flashed before our eyes. Somehow, I am sitting here holding my 4 1/2 month old and just completed my first week back to work.  Where did the time go?

I got off easy on Monday with a half day of work but Tuesday was much harder.  It was the first time I had ever spent a whole day away from him. I questioned myself whether I could really do this when I sat down to pump the first time on Tuesday. One look at his photo during that pumping session and I had tears running down my cheeks.

By Thursday I was feeling much better though. Two things that have helped make the transition much easier. 1) Working part-time 2) My Mom was here all week to help us (Thanks Meme!)

Check back next week for part 2 when I blog about Hanley's week with Meme!

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