Friday, March 8, 2013


A couple highlights from the past 2 weeks:

-We went to visit Courtney is Seattle. While we were there we also got to meet baby Isaac for the 1st time. Roxy stayed with Dr. June and the girls and got completely spoiled.  She loved being center of attention.

-Uncle Caleb sent Hanley shoes from Alaska. They are absolutely adorable!

-Hanley loves reading before nap time!  Maxi loves it too! Although she would rather sit on my lab, she settles for cuddling up next to us on the rocking chair. I just love how Hanley has to have one had on the cat and the other on his book!


-I started letting Hanley cry it out for nap time.  It's been hard on me but we want him to learn to self soothe. On day 1, I thought no way was this going to work but we are getting the hang of it.

-We made 2 trips down to Eugene this week. One over the weekend, as a family which was a lot of fun.  I enjoyed a couple hours away by myself when I went to Marissa's baby shower for Hudson! Sherri and Shantele did an AMAZING job on the shower!!! Since the Draper's are finally home, Ashley got to meet Hanley for the 1st time too! Then, Hanley and I made the trip down later in the week to see my Dad! Hanley loved every minute with Grandpa!

-We finally got Hanley's rash under control! The poor kid was miserable and was up all night for a week. So as you can imagine, everyone in this household was exhausted.  I took him to his pediatrician and to the dermatologist and they determined he had severe craddle cap, eczema and a bacterial infection.  So, he was put on antibiotics and a steriod cream.  His skin is clear now and he is once again a happy boy!

-Hanley spent his first half day with his babysitter, April. Even after crying for 30 minutes before he went down for his nap, he is still invited back! Thank goodness because we really like her!

Today is Friday! Cody and I are looking forward to a low key kind of weekend at home!

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