Sunday, October 20, 2013

Faulk Baby and Familiy Run

We had a great weekend in Eugene.  It was actually one of the very few weekends that we did a lot but it didn't feel overwhelming.  I often overbook us so bad that we end up running around town and are on a time schedule constantly.

We went down to celebrate with The Faulk's.  It was a Faulk Baby Beaver Birthday big party with lots of reasons to celebrate: Mindy and Clayton's birthday, Beaver football, and a Baby Shower/Reveal Party! IT'S A GIRL!!! We are soooo excited for them...they will make the best parents! Hanley had a great time at the party. Mindy showed him where her Mom hides all the toys for her grandkids.  He wasn't shy about helping himself to all the fun girly toys!

One of my favorite parts of the weekend though was simply getting up in the morning and going on our first family run.  Hanley and I have been on many runs together but we can't ever seem to convince Cody to join us :o)  You see, I like to think of myself as somewhat of a runner.  Cody, not so much. He doesn't share the same love for it as I do. We both grew up playing sports and have a little bit of a competitive side.  Each time we make a bet, I always say "If I win, we go on a family run and you push the stroller!".  The best part about this run was I didn't even have to win a bet to get him to come along.  The three of us enjoyed a 4 mile loop on a cold, foggy Saturday morning.  About halfway into the run, I asked Cody if how he was doing with the stroller.  His response, "The stroller is holding me up.  Not like slowing me down but literally keeping me from falling down." I started laughing so hard but I am happy to announce, he survived the run.

The rest of the weekend included breakfast with Grandma Tina, shopping with my Mom, dinner with the in-laws, watching football with friends and brunch at my parents house today before heading out of town.

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