Wednesday, October 30, 2013

First Fever and Spookley

I got a text from April Tuesday last week saying Hanley was running a fever. Oh no, my boys first fever. I ran my end of day reports at work and rushed out of the office (even forgetting his milk! You know my mind is elsewhere when I leave behind the breast milk!). I drove home like a mad woman, breaking traffic laws right in front of cops and all.  I was on a mission.  I knew there probably wasn't a lot I could do, but sometimes Mama snuggles go a long way.

I stayed home with him on Wednesday. We pretty much snuggled and read all day. My Mom bought him a new book for Halloween so it was perfect timing for our low key day at home.  I can't tell you how many times we read Spookley! He loves it. Thank you Meme!

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