Friday, May 21, 2010

Spring is in the Air

It was a beautiful weekend in Portland. The sun was out (something we look forward to more of as summer approaches) and we really had a great weekend.

Chelsea had Friday off of work so she spent the day in Eugene. She did a little shopping, had lunch with Amie then went to meet baby Madison Joyce Kunasek for the first time!

Baby Madison, 2 days old:

Cody and Chelsea spent the majority of the weekend working on the house but took a little break on Saturday afternoon. We drove up the Clackamas river and found a quiet spot along the river where Cody and Chelsea could relax and Roxy could play in the water. We BBQ'ed some chicken, had a few beers and enjoyed the fresh air.

This was a perfect picnic spot:

Roxy playing fetch with Dad:

Cody took a break from playing with the dog to cook dinner:

Since work on the inside of the house is coming to an end, we took advantage of the weather and started working on the outside. Neither Cody or Chelsea claim to know a whole lot about flowers, but we went to a nearby nursery to pick out flowers for the front yard. We know that basics like what a perennial vs. an annual flower is but thats about it. So, we read at LOTS of tags to figure out what we need!! As we picked out flowers, there was a lot of "yeah, the big red one", "I like the little pink ones", "What do you think about these orange ones with the big yellow one?" know, a lot of technical talk like that. We purchased our flowers and headed home to plant them.

Chelsea really enjoyed planting the flowers because her and Cody got to work on it as a team. A lot of time when we are working on the house, Cody is in one room and Chelsea is in another room, each working on separate projects alone. It was a fun day and a pretty good work-out too.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Runaway

Today we spent the day working on the this time, nobody should be surprised this is how we spent our Saturday afternoon! Chelsea was in the garage painting base trim while Cody was cutting and installing trim upstairs. About an hour or two into our work, Cody suddenly asked "Where is the dog?". She was no where to be found in the house or in the backyard so Cody and Chelsea began to search the neighborhood for their missing pooch. Chelsea was confident that Roxy was either at the neighbor dogs house or at the park we often take her to (well, the park she walks us to!). When we realized she wasn't at either location, we both began to worry. We split up and drove around the neighborhood in attempt to cover more ground. Chelsea slowly drove down 15th street calling Roxy's name, with her windows down, looking to the left and right desperately looking for the runaway dog when a lady in a car driving the opposite direction yelled out her window "are you looking for a dog?". Chelsea yelled "YES!!!!!!!! Where is she?!" as she slammed her foot on the break and threw the car in reverse. The lady pulled over to the side of the road and Roxy piled out of the back seat of her car and ran straight to Chelsea! The woman explained to that her and her daughter where getting into their car when Roxy came wondering up to them to say hello. They noticed she wasn't wearing a name tag (yes, we are bad bad parents for that!). They weren't sure what to do with her or where she came from so they went door-to-door looking for Roxy's home. When nobody claimed her, they took her to the nearest vet to find out if she had a microchip. NEGATIVE. So, their search continued. When they saw Chelsea suspiciously driving down the street obviously looking for something, they figured this was the end to their search...and it was. Chelsea thanked the lady and her daughter and took Roxy home. It was pretty clear that Roxy's little adventure shook her up because for the rest of the day she wouldn't leave Cody's sight...Yup, she's a Daddy's girl! We still don't know exactly how she escaped but we are both happy to have her safely home. And guess what we are going to do first thing tomorrow? That's right, buy her a new name tag!