Sunday, June 30, 2013

Father's Day and More

The days seem to be passing by in the blink of an eye. Here's another quick update:

We went camping for Father's Day weekend.  It was the first time we camped with just the 3 of us (which means no extra helping hands!) and without the wall tent (we roughed it in our little old tent!). Hanley did great. Roxy...well, I will give her a C+. I guess thats what we get for picking out a site right on the river. She wanted to be in the water 24/7!!!! Despite forgetting key items (ie: one of the sleeping bags, fire wood that actually burns, etc) and our obnoxious dog, we had an excellent time. Cody got in lots fishing and we went on a family hike and a few walks.

Last weekend I went down to Eugene for the day for Brooke's Bridal shower.  My parents were in town for work so my Mom made for great travel company while Cody and Hanley stayed home.  It was the first time I have been that far away from Hanley and the first time Cody had Hanley to himself for more than just a couple hours.  It ended up being a great day.  I think Cody learned a lot from his full day of Daddy Daycare and enjoyed some important bonding time with the boy. And I too, enjoyed a baby-free ladies day!


Little man just got his 3rd tooth this week and he may be working on the 4th.  Soon, that gummy little smile that I love so much will soon be full of a full set of chompers!

I love spending Wednesday's with Hanley-its my favorite day of the week. Each Wednesday morning I sing him the "It's a Mommy and Hanley Kind of Day" song. I think it might be his favorite song! We only have 9 more Wednesday's together, then I am back to work full time.  So, we have been making the best of each one with lots of cuddles!

Hanley has become so expressive lately.  This is his new favorite face...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Green Beans

Before the first bite:

After the first bite:


Yup, still not a fan of green beans or any kind of solids for that matter!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

When a Mama's Not Ready...

I have mentioned it before, but 6 months has been my favorite stage.  I am not ready for my little man's 7th month birthday in just a matter of days.  I wish I could freeze time and keep him small, cuddly and non-mobile!

Hanley has become such a "talker"! Some days its almost exhausting but at the same time its one of the most precious sounds ever.

I love that he can sit up on his own and roll over but I love knowing that when I put him down, he's not going too far! He REALLY wants to crawl and seems to be getting closer every day. He might be ready for it, but I am not! Crawling opens us a whole new world of challenges!

Hanley as been all about Mama in the past month. He is starting to be more aware when I leave the room or am not around.  I recently read that at about 6 months, they can go through a little bit of separation anxiety which is what I think has been the case for him.  Sometimes this can be hard on Daddy but I keep telling Cody, his day will come! Before we know it, Hanley's attitude will change to Dad rules and Mom drools.

A big event of the week was that Hanley got his first tooth!!!!! I can see just the tip of his second tooth coming in too! At this rate, he will be eating steak next week!

We had to pack away the bouncer, the swing and his activity mat. He is just too big for it all! The only thing out in our livingroom now is the jumper (which he loves!).

He no longer uses the infant carseat in the storller. He sits in the stroller like a big kid now.

He is just getting too big, too fast. I love watching him learn and grow but boy, I wish it didn't happen all so fast! I guess I will just have to enjoy the last 3 days of my 6 month old and look to all the new things to come because ready or not here it comes!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Much Needed Update!

Life has been busy at our place. Here's a quick update:

-Memorial Day Camp out was a success! Hanley loved every minute of enjoying the great outdoors. The weather was much nicer than expected! The sun was out most of the weekend and it pretty much only rained at night. The roles reversed that weekend.  Cody was up every 3 or 4 hours re-stocking the fire and Hanley and I peacefully slept through the night! Cody got in lots of the fishing and I ate way too much :o)

Home Sweet Home (Yes, we even battle in the woods!).

The crew

Roxy is not one to let Hanley steal all the attention from Daddy!

Beautiful Big Sis!

This kid LOVES Aunt Gail! She could make him smile and laugh for hours!

-I came down with mastitis for the THIRD TIME!! Coming home from camping with a 100.2 temp wasn't much fun. I was able to beat it without the use of antibiotics though. We took a little break from solids so Hanley could get in lots of nursing to help me out! Thanks little man :o)

-We had his 6 month photos done by Andrea Hartman Photography ( in Salem a couple weeks ago. We had a tough time getting smiles out of such a serious 6 month old, he was all business. I am glad he at least flashed a few smiles for Andrea to capture!  Thank you Andrea for such wonderful photos for us to remember this stage of Hanley's amazing life.  Six months has been THE BEST (I will probably say that about every stage!). He is so much fun. A perfect combination of cuddly and independent.  I love watching him explore the world right in front of his eyes. Here is a sneak peek from our session.


-Since Hanley has been sitting unassisted, he has become independent and REALLY into his toys!

-We took him to the zoo for the first time! He loved the turtles.

It's a real-life Sophie Giraffe!

-Last weekend we planted flowers in the front yard and finally got our garden in. This year we planted corn, tomatoes, spaghetti squash, zucchini, and peppers.

 We are looking forward to the coming summer and family adventures!