Thursday, September 27, 2012

Just the Two of Us!

We have been so busy lately that I feel like Cody and I haven't been able to spend much quality time together.  So, I told him earlier this week that I wanted to make sure we set aside some time this weekend to do something fun together (anything that didn't include working on any projects around the house or in the nursery!).

He called me at work the other day and said, "Hey, what do you think about me taking Friday off of work this week?" When I asked why he said, "Well, you have the day off and I thought you mentioned you wanted to spend some time together..." So, thats exactly what we are doing!  The housework and the remaining items that need to be organized in the nursery can wait. We are just going to have an "us" kind of day!

I love Cody for a lot of reasons but one of the things I love most is the fact that he lets his soft, thoughtful side shine through just when I need it the most. Indeed, I am a lucky lady.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

J Bear

It's kind of been a rough week so far.  Work has been really busy this week which means I come home exhausted.  My back and ribs are increasingly becoming more uncomfortable, especially after a long day at work. I love baby class on Monday's but I hate rushing from the office, running home to let the dog out for literally 5 minutes (poor Roxy hates Monday's!) and scarfing down a sandwich to make it to class on time.

I came home from work yesterday just beat.  Cody asked what I wanted to do for dinner and I told him absolutely nothing, he was on his own.  I said, "I am not hungry and the minute I lay down on this couch, I am pretty sure your not going to be able to get me up for anything." I was right.  I plopped on the couch and didn't get up again until 8:30pm...thats when I headed straight for bed.

My Mom also called this week with horrible news, Jackson had unexpectedly passed away.  He was my cat in college.  I got him as a kitten the summer going into my Junior year.  He was a traveling cat and went everywhere with me.  I used to be able to tap on his carrier and he would run right in it.  If I went away for a weekend and he couldn't come with me, he got to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  He loved going to my Mom's house because he got to run around outside, climb trees, catch birds and mice, etc. It became apparent to me that he did much better at my parents house than he did locked up in my apartment.  So, when I moved to Portland, he stayed with my Mom and Dad.  It was really hard for me to leave him but he lived a great life with them.  RIP J Bear, I love you.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Getting Ready!

These past two weeks have been CRAZY!

We were in Eugene last weekend for a Baby Shower/BBQ. Cody wasn't so sure about the whole couples BBQ but I was glad it was something we got to experience together.  Thank you Kim and Karissa for everything!! I think everyone enjoyed themselves, the food was great (Thanks Loren!), we really lucked out with beautiful weather and came home with a truck full of wonderful gifts from everyone!

We went to our 2nd baby class last Monday which I am really enjoying (and learning lots!).

We had our 34 week check up appointment.  Things are still going good and I measured right on schedule this week.  Stepping on the scale is getting a little scary these days...Total weight gain to date: 27 lbs! Yikes.

I was feeling a little stressed about unpacking all the gifts from the BBQ and getting the house/nursery ready for the Baby Shower at our house this weekend.  My wonderful husband jumped right in and put together all the shelving we got, hung up a few things for me, and helped organized all the toys, blankets, etc. Thanks Honey! (Note: Nursery pics coming soon!)

My Mom came up on Friday and spent the weekend with us.  She was SOOO much help. I don't know what I would have done without her! We kicked Cody out of the house on Saturday so we could be productive around the house! My Mom took on a lot of chores around the house and helped wash and hang all Hanley's clothes. We snuck away for lunch together then got a little shopping in. By the time we got home, I was exhausted.  She insisted I lay down, kick up my feet and relax while she made dinner.  So, I pretty much have the best Mama out there!!!! Our friend Sarah wasn't going to be able to make it to the shower on Sunday so she stopped by Saturday evening and even stayed for dinner. Catching up with her was really a great way to finish off the day.

Jess and Amie went all out with the shower on Sunday.  They were so organized and had every little detailed worked out.  It was fun to have everyone over to check out the progress we have made on the nursery and for some poeple (including my Grandma and some of my Aunts) it was the first time they had ever even seen our house! Again, we were blessed with good weather and Mr. Hanley was spoiled for the second weekend in a row.

Since us ladies took over the house for the shower Cody and Kramer went scouting for deer with Roxy. She was so excited about going for an adventure in the woods that she didn't even mind her "hunting" outfit...

Today was a long day. A busy Monday at work + baby class = A long day.  I am looking forward to some low key evenings for the rest of the week!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Maternity Photo's

My blog post have become fewer and further in between.  Mostly it's because sitting is about the most uncomfortable position for me.  I sit all day at work and the last thing I want to do is sit at the computer when I get home. So, my evenings tend to be one of two ways 1) Productive around the house because I am up and moving around or 2) Unproductive because all I want to do is lay down. 

However, we got our maternity photos back from Marissa last week and I have been pretty excited to post them on the blog!  She did such a wonderful job with them and we couldn't be more thankful to have these photos to remember such a special time in our life.  So, thank you Marissa for using your talent to capture this moment in time for us!





Monday, September 10, 2012

Married to a Handyman

I mentioned recently that we ordered a couple things online for the nursery.  One of them was a wall decal but we had no intentions of actually putting it directly on the wall.  It arrived on Friday. Cody spent some time envisioning a plan (this involved the use of a set of children's blocks!). Once a plan was set, he made a quick trip to Home Depot then got to work in the garage Sunday morning.

Cody came up with the design and wood stain and I picked out the colors.  I chose colors from the curtains we hung in the nursery but Cody wasn't so sure about my color selection! And yes, I admit I too was a little concerned when we opened up the paint and I saw how bright it was! Two coats later and I think the colors came together really well.

I love being married to such a handy man (and a creative one too!). Now, I just can't wait to get it hung on the wall!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Every Boy Needs a Pair of These....

Patty dropped off a gift for Baby Hanley today at work.  It was so beautifully wrapped I almost didn't even want to open it....

I waited until Cody got home from work and we opened it together. Oh, my and am I glad we did!!!!!!!! The card read: "This is for Hanley when he's a little older. Every child needs this! Your in for a wonderful time."  -Patty and Marty

This is what we found inside....

Hanley's 1st pair of boots!

Cody worked late today and came home tired and grumpy after his long day at the office.  I didn't think there was much that could put a smile on his face...that was until we opened these up!! Thank you both for the most thoughtful gift! They couldn't be a more perfect fit for the little guy!!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


As predicted, we spent the whole 3 day weekend painting but we are finally finished! Thank God! Now that the painting is done and all the furniture is back in its place, I am looking forward to getting things organized and decorated before Hanley arrives.  After tossing around a couple idea's for the nursery, we finally made some decisions and ordered a few things online. Slowly but surely, the nursery is coming together.

Our own bedroom has made progress too! Our bare bedroom walls are finally getting some attention!

Poor Roxy has been bored out of her mind.  We have been so busy that she hasn't gotten out much. She got in a quick walk during the week and a trip to the park on Friday and then again on Labor Day but thats been it.  She is awfully good at laying on the pouty face thick too!

I have had a couple bad dreams recently that have completely affected my sleep. The reoccurring theme is that I feel the need to protect. I think it must be related to some kind of pregnancy hormones that are kicking in.  In just 8 weeks, Hanley is going to be removed from the protective little bubble I have been keeping him in. He will be released into this scary world and completely rely on Cody and I for his every need and protection. The whole thing is exciting but scary at the same time.  I can't even begin to imagine the kind of love and connection we are going to have for him.

After our long weekend it was almost nice to go back to work today. Normally things at the office are hectic after a holiday weekend but to my surprise we had a nice and quiet day....just what I needed!