Friday, September 13, 2013


Our little man is already 10 months old.  That means his first birthday is right around the corner. Let the party planning begin!

At 10 months old...
-We have gotten into a pretty good bedtime routine.  Cody puts him to bed each night. We often hear him chatting in his room before drifting off to sleep.
-He switched up his nap time routine on us and I am hating it.  I prefer it when he is predictable!
-This week he SCREAMED with JOY the minute Cody walked in the door after work.  I think my heart about melted right on the spot.
-We are teaching him to wave.  It's pretty cute.
-He spent his first full week at the babysitters.  He did much better than I did.
-We have introduced the sippy cup in preparation for weaning.
-He is learning to self-feed with sweet potato puffs! When we first started, they mostly ended up on the ground which meant Roxy always made sure to be nearby so she could scoop them up. Now he makes most of them into his mouth and he loves them!
-He eats oatmeal cereal each morning.  I wish we would have started doing this much sooner.  It helps keep him "regular" if ya know what I mean...! (Yes, we celebrate messy diapers in this house because a boy who hasn't pooped in a couple days in a handful!).

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