Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mari's Visit/Stuebing Wedding

I have been wanting to post about Mari's visit and Wayne and Brooke's Wedding but I keep getting side tracked with life!

Mari flew in the Monday before the Wedding. Cody and I took the week off work and headed to Elk Lake where we met the rest of the crew.  We rented a little cabin on the lake and enjoyed a few days of relaxing before all the Wedding festivities began!

Group pic!
Fun with Meme!
The view from our cabin
Getting ready to take the ski lift up Mount Bachelor
Mountain top brews!

When we got back to Eugene, we had a full schedule ahead of us that included: American sushi dinner at Izumi's, shopping, lunch at Café Yumm, Rehearsal dinner, hair appointments then finally, the WEDDING!

I took my camera to the Wedding but I didn't take many pictures.  Hanley was being really clingy and pretty much wouldn't let me put him down or let anyone else take him (I can't blame he kid, he hadn't pooped the entire week and he was a clearly uncomfortable!).

It was a beautiful wedding at Deep Woods! (Photo Credit: By Tania Vargas)

Hanley and Kallen meeting for the first time!

Before we left town on Sunday, my parents held a BBQ at their house for my Step-Grandpa's birthday.  We had friends and family come from California, Alaska, Texas, Colorado, Mexico, and Canada (and of course Japan) join us for the BBQ!


It was a fun packed week but saying good-bye to Mari is never easy...

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