Saturday, September 7, 2013

What? Four Years?!

It's hard to believe that 4 years has passed since our beautiful Wedding day! It's been 4 jam packed years of home projects, traveling, long work hours, and of course baby making & parenting!

We spent our anniversary dinner with my entire Hoot to Coast team at Denicola's Italian Restaurant carb loading on Thursday night. Romantic, eh?

That weekend we spent a part since I was running and Cody stayed at home to be Mr. Mom.  So, we decided to postpone the celebration until the following weekend, which happened to be Labor Day weekend.

We dropped the boy off at the in-laws and spent one night away in Florence. Just the TWO of us! Our first night together away from our little man.

As crazy as it sounds, I really wanted to go somewhere I have never been: The Sea Lion Caves. Despite Cody's resistance, he took me there only to find out there was an issue with the elevator and it was currently down. Nobody would be going down into the cave...

Next he took me somewhere else I have never been: Honeyman State Park.  Cody was shocked when he realized I had never been there either! (Side note: He spend a lot of our courtship complaining that all the places he took me to ended up being places I had already been to! Little did he know, he just needed to take me to Florence, Oregon! Haha...)

We spent the rest of the day in Old Town, enjoying lunch on the water, watching the both games in the hotel bar and going out for dinner.

We got back from dinner with plans to go down to the hot tub but we both just wanted to crash.  I guess it's fair to say that parenting really ages you!

I dreamed of sleeping in until noon but our internal clocks had us both wide awake at the 6 o'clock hour! Good thing it was a beautiful morning for a walk on the beach.

After breakfast, we stopped by the Casino to come home not a dime richer.

Sometimes as parents, its easy to focus so much on the baby that you lose sight of the love you have for each other. For this reason, I think it was really important for us to experience a night re-kindling that love and attention without the distraction of naps, dirty diapers, tears, feedings, etc (although, I can't wait for the day that I can ditch the pump and we can really have 100% freedom!).

When we got back into Eugene, Oma and Opa were happy to report that Hanley was awesome while we were away! Thank goodness because we would like to repeat our night away some other time!

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