Monday, September 2, 2013


Well, now that Hanley is almost 10 months old, I suppose I should post his 9 month stats!! Can you tell it's been a busy month?

Every time I bring Hanley in for a well-baby check, Dr. Hall (who we love!) asks about Cody.  Each time I have to tell him he is busy at work and unable to make it to the appointment.  So after his 6-month check up, I told Cody he needed to make arrangements at work to make it in to Hanley's next appointment so Dr. Hall would get off my back about it! Cody got off easy when he made it to the 9 month appointment, one of the few well baby check-ups that doesn't include vaccinations! Regardless, Dr. Hall was happy to see us both make it to his appointment.
Head Circumference: 18 inches, 50%
Length: 28 inches, 50%
Weight: 18 lbs, 9 oz, 30%

He's dropped in percentile in all area's but Dr. Hall had no concerns and said we have a happy, healthy boy on our hands!

At 9 months old...
-He is a crawling machine!
-He loves to pull himself up onto all the furniture in the house and is very proud of himself for being able to do so.
-He finally enjoys eating solids! His current favorite is sweet potato and corn puree.
-Has 5 teeth.
-Has spent a total of two nights away from Mama and done very well each time!
-Is still very vocal!!
-He got the chance to meet his Aunt Mari and spend a week with her while she was in Oregon for Wayne and Brooke's Wedding!
-Moved his bedtime from 9:15pm to 8:30pm! Score for Mom and Dad!
-Loves story time! We have to read the board books because he likes to be really helpful and turn the pages himself.
-Has a weird obsession with the vacuum cleaner and chases it around the house!
-Has horrible hair (just being honest here!). He has a messy mop on top and barely anything on the sides! Poor kid never had a chance...
Time seems to be flying by faster than ever but Cody and I both agree that the older Hanley gets, the more rewarding parenting gets.  It's such a joy to watch him learn and explore something new each day.

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